In the wake of 2020's contentious U.S. elections, people on both sides of the aisle are asking themselves, "how could that have happened?" We wonder how our fellow Americans could see things so differently, and many people have expressed feelings of hurt or betrayal about those disagreements. In the worst examples, people demonize their fellow Americans, claim the other side is winning through dishonest means, or toss around labels like "racist" or "communist" that create more animosity than clarity. (It's always more productive to talk about someone's behavior and its impact than about their character). It's interesting that both sides arrived at November 3rd expecting a landslide victory, and both sides were denied the satisfaction. In that way the 2020 election shows what we really are: a people deeply divided, who have a hard time even listening to each other's perspectives, who much too often want it to be "my way or the hig...