I heard an excellent talk this fall by Dr. Andrew Hoffman about his book " The Engaged Scholar ." The book's basic thesis is that society offers academics like me a certain level of independence, and endows us with a certain level of credibility and respect. In return, society has a right to expect useful information from its scholars -- not just academic jargon and peer-reviewed papers for a small audience of experts, but actual knowledge with real-world applications. That's what I hope I am doing in this bi-weekly blog: Opening a window in the ivory tower to send some bits of psychological knowledge out into the world. I agree with Dr. Hoffman that this is an obligation for scholars. It's also fun and interesting for me, and I hope for anyone reading it as well. As I have noted previously, applying concepts from Two Minds Theory to real-world issues also allows me to test and refine the ideas, and I hope my academically oriented work is better for that as well. ...