The COVID-19 pandemic might be finally winding down as the U.S. population approaches the point of herd immunity, but many areas of the country are again struggling with decisions about public health strategies like mask and vaccination mandates. A recent Medscape article asked the question “who are the real COVID experts?” This is relevant again as we move into a new “endemic” phase that involves neither height-of-the-pandemic lockdowns nor a clear victory over the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Usually, the experts on an infectious disease would consist of immunologists, virologists, or infectious disease physicians. But in the case of COVID-19 the issues are much more complicated than just viral transmission and treatment. We need chronic disease experts to help us understand the symptoms and treatments of Long COVID syndrome. We need mental health experts to help us process the collective trauma that many people have experienced over the past 2 years. We need economists to help us ...