The increase in telework since 2020 has led to a corresponding increase in so-called " bossware ," the type of software that tracks employees' behavior. Some of this just reflects a tendency to micromanage, like the exhortation "cameras on, people!" during a Zoom meeting (were they really paying any more attention when you met with them in person?). Some new products introduced in the last 5 years treat knowledge workers like assembly-line workers, rating their "productivity" in terms of mouse clicks and documents opened. Again, this doesn't seem like it will actually increase work completion -- Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Petersen's book Out of Office argues that it instead probably just increases "performative work" or "LARPing your job" [LARP = "live action role-playing," for my less-geeky friends and colleagues out there]. It also feels pretty intrusive to people who are used to managing their own schedul...