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Showing posts from October, 2024

Inside the Intuitive Mind: The Cookie Jar Effect

  In my blog post on Nudges , I talked about why grocery stores sell higher-profit items at eye level (because people are more likely to buy those). That's an example of "design architecture," defined as environmental structures that encourage or discourage particular forms of behavior. NPR's Planet Money  podcast highlighted another form of design architecture in a recent episode : package size.  After many years of offering only a few standardized sizes for their products, manufacturers have begun selling the same products in a much wider range of packages. Coca-Cola was a pioneer in this area of marketing, launching tiny cans for health-conscious consumers and also giant bottles for families and parties. The price of the actual soda can vary along with its package size: People are actually willing to pay a higher price per ounce when the can or bottle is smaller, because of the perception of convenience or health benefits. But size can also have an effect on how m