Our church secretary changes her sign with funny messages each week. This was the one we saw on January 5th, and I thought that it neatly summed up the dilemma of new year's resolutions. Resolutions are a topic of great interest for health behavior change researchers like me. They are fascinating because everyone makes them, despite the fact that everyone also knows they are going to break them! One could see this as a triumph of hope over experience. But our self-awareness about the problem suggests that it's more than that. Instead, it is a classic example of the intention-behavior gap highlighted in Two Minds Theory. Famous psychologists have been interested in this problem. Stanley Schacter studied self-change efforts among smokers , and concluded that people are actually more successful than we might think in improving their health behaviors. It just seems to take them a long time and multiple attempts. James Prochaska, famous for developing the stages of change , ...